White Widow CBD is an excellent starter marijuana variant. The sturdy plant doesn’t require laborious maintenance due to her remarkable resilience to diseases, molds, and pests that commonly affect cannabis gardens. Moreover, she can handle sudden temperature drops and grow well indoors or out.
For the best results, raise White Widow CBD in a climate-controlled environment. Keep the temperature mild and comfortable between 70 and 80°F. Also provide a healthy supply of nitrogen for robust growth during the vegetative phase. As the flowering stage starts, flush the soil and feed with higher amounts of phosphorus.
The Screen of Green (ScrOG) technique works well with White Widow CBD but isn’t required for the plant to thrive. If you decide to employ this method in your grow, fill the indoor space with several starts. Prune away all unnecessary branches beneath the screen once the plants have developed a healthy canopy and are one or two weeks into flowering. By the end of her 9-week-long fruiting period, expect about 500 grams per square meter.
Cultivating White Widow CBD outdoors is recommended only in consistently warm and sunny places, such as those under the Mediterranean climate. Expect up to 400 grams of fresh, sticky buds to be ripe for plucking around October.