Cali Kush CBD Strain FAQ
What is the ideal indoor growing environment for Cali Kush CBD plants?
To ensure prolific growth of your Cali Kush CBD plants, make sure to keep the growing environment within the following ideal ranges:
pH level: 5.8 – 6.2
Temperature: 21 to 26 °C (70 to 80 °F) during the day (lights on) and 18 to 21 °C (65 to 70 °F) at night (lights off)
Climate (for outdoor gardens): Warm, temperate, Mediterranean-like climate.
Relative humidity: When sprouting the seeds, keep humidity levels around 80%. Once it grow roots, drop the RH to around 75%. Then, once it enters the flowering stage, maintain it between 50 to 60%.
Light cycle length for photoperiod variety:
- Vegetative phase: 18 hours lights on, 6 hours lights off
- Flowering phase: 12 hours lights on, 12 hours lights off
Carbon dioxide levels: 900-1600 parts per million (ppm) during lights on, none added during lights off
Soil or Hydroponics? Which is the best grow medium for Cali Kush CBD plants?
As for the substrate, it can be grown in either organic soil or hydroponically, depending on the grower’s preference.
Cultivating it with soil media will ensure ease of growth and that the buds will develop a richer terpene profile that enhances both the aroma and flavors. Novice growers are advised to use soil as a substrate as it acts as a buffer against pH fluctuations, so you have one less thing to worry about managing. Experienced cultivators, on the other hand, are free to try hydroponics to ensure explosive growth. Growing using hydroponics is a bit more complicated because adding nutrients to the water can easily throw off its pH level due to the absence of a buffer. However, since the roots of the plant have direct access to the nutrients, they can flourish more quickly, thereby ensuring a bountiful harvest of about 300 grams (or more) of massive buds per square meter planted.